The Nordic region’s largest car dismantling group

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atracco miljö


Our passion for the environmental issue drives us on a daily basis, and as the Nordic region’s largest car dismantling chain, our work plays a major role in the industry’s recycling machinery.

atracco kvalitet


Through tuned workflows and broad knowledge, we ensure that our workshops and partners deliver high quality services with customized guarantees.

atracco effektivitet


Atracco’s industry-leading system tools increase the efficiency of dismantlers and workshops, and cover all areas of the industry, including e-commerce.


demontering atracco


Atracco AB uses an industry-developed computer system, it helps us to work in a structured and efficient manner with everything from registration, inventory management to sales and delivery.

support för verkstäder

Support workshops

We train our workshop customers with the help of TeamViewer. In this way, you and our workshop consultants “share” the screen.

Good to know

Why you should buy used

Many people know that vehicles are one of the biggest environmental culprits of our time. What many overlook is that the manufacture of new parts also contributes greatly to emissions. By reusing something that would otherwise be thrown away or destroyed, you save the environment. In addition, you also save money when you buy used parts.

We have three different warranty

We have three different types of warranty for workshops. A-, B- and C-warranty. These warranties are developed together within Brand Demo, for full terms, click here.

We test all car parts

We assess, test drive and test all components so that you will feel safe in your purchase.

The Consumer Purchase Act applies to our connected facilities

The Consumer Purchase Act always applies to private individuals.